CrowBar's PvE Livonia


Server Rules

    📖 GENERAL 📖

  • No PVP Permanent ban
  • Feeding players anything without their prior approval is strictly prohibited Permanent ban
  • You cannot have anything provocative/sexual/inappropriate in your name Permanent ban
  • Squabbling/argumentation/Quarrel about religion or politics is strictly prohibited 168 hours / Permanent ban
  • Swearing at God, religion, political person or party, state, family members is strictly prohibited 24 hours - 1 month ban
  • No looting player bodies/tombstones Permanent ban
  • No Raiding or Stealing Permanent ban
  • No racist, toxic or homophobic comments Permanent ban
  • No Advertising Permanent ban
  • No scamming Permanent ban
  • English only in Global Chat 12 hours ban
  • Do not DM the staff team and dont tag any staff member 72 hours timeout on discord
  • 🚗 VEHICLES 🚗

  • No Limit on vehicles per player
  • If you see another player in or around vehicle dont steal that vehicle and dont take anything from it

  • Bases must be at least 500 meters from military base or 300 from military checkpoints
  • Bases must be at least 150 meters from police, hospital, church, gas station
  • Bases must be at least 150 meters from house with forever fire (check discord for locations)
  • Every base must be at least 100 meters away from each other
  • DO NOT block or build inside military, police, hospital, church or roads!
  • Try to keep base builds off of main roads, bases on main roads creates lag and crash vehicles passing by. Also, do not build into a road.
  • Maximum is 1 (one) base per group OR solo-player.
  • Abandoning the game for more than 10 days or making a base against the rules will result in a base deletion without further notice or compensation.